Tuesday, June 4, 2013

New Post DD1

Hi guys, I just wanted to tell you that I'm posting something new tomorrow here, and prepare you with the fact that it won't exactly be one of the more cheerful, upbeat, "me" kind of posts that you're used to.
Title: The Memory Game
Subject: Some of my memories of watching mean girls bully my now-best friend.
This is the featured image, though there will be more. I have posted this on my Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter (follow me using my blog follow buttons).
Sneak Peek: Later, Jane stopped going near Lanie, Bethany, Courtney, and Rose. It didn't matter. We had each other.


See you around tomorrow (June 5, 2013)!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Early June Updates

Hi guys! Hope you're having a good day. I have a few updates that I  have in store for you: [If you aren't familiar with my blog, SOPHIE dans le metro, click here.]

-A new URL! If you only have the link for http://plainlysophie.wordpress.com, it's okay- you'll automatically get transferred to http://plainlysophie.com
-I also added some new follow buttons for Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Tumblr.
-I have a Blog Lovin account now, you can follow me on there using the link provided in my blog: go to:: Sidebar>Elsewhere>Follow me on blog lovin. 
-In the side bar, I added an inspirations widget. It has links to some of the blogs that inspire me the most! (This is something I was asked to do).

That's it for now, but it isn't really very little!

The latest posts:
May 27: What doesn't kill you doesn't always make you stronger.
June 1: My dog is too chubby. [Photo Album]
June 1: Save The Whales! [Extras Post: Life and Issues]  


P.S. Enjoy!

Monday, May 27, 2013

New Header

http://plainlysophie.wordpress.com: Click This Link
I am happy to announce that I have a new blog header that looks MUCH better than the old one:
Of course, the image was also cropped to only feature "Sophie dans le métro".
A new post should be coming out today, and if not, it will be tomorrow.


Saturday, May 25, 2013

Hello, You!

Gosh: I feel like I'm really confusing everybody too much.
This is not really my blog. I use WordPress: my blog, Sophie dans le métro, can be accessed using this link. I will use this blogger companion blog for my news posts, since I have been needing one. All Sophie fans, check back here regularly to get the latest news out of Sophie dans le métro!
See you!